Saturday, July 23, 2011

Yes, We Love Lucy

I realize this has taken me quite a while to post, but I’ve had my hands full for the last 8 or so weeks. Quite literally, most of the time, so when you’re all grown up and wondering why it took so long to get this up here, Lucy, it’s because you wouldn’t let me put you down and it’s tough to type while holding a baby.

Lucille Caroline was born at 1:40 in the afternoon on May 24, 2011. She came out with beautiful strawberry blonde hair and the longest fingers and toes you have ever seen.


This is the first picture my mom (Honey) took of Lucy. C got a few photos of her in the operating room, but he still hasn’t downloaded them from his iphone to the computer.


Here are Big and Little Sister meeting for the first time. It was well into Olivia’s nap time, and she was a real trooper all day.


Look at those cheeks!


Olivia is helping to adjust my bed in the background – she had me going up and down about 15 seconds after she walked into the room.


So sweet and peaceful – Lucy is the best baby.


Momma and Lucy.


Do you see what I mean? Look at that hair! I swore if she came into this world with red hair we would have to come up with another name for her, but Lucy fit her perfectly.


Yes, we love Lucy!


  1. What a sweet girl! Welcome to the world, Lucy! You guys look like such a happy family! I can't wait to meet her in person -- maybe Tulsa by way of NC? LOL!


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